Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 2 of my rediscovery of my journey went well. I ran an entire mile without stopping! Just two more of those and I can do a 5K! Woo! Hopefully, this will continue for at least the next four weeks. I'd like it to continue for more, but I'm working on a short term goal right now. This is going to be short today, but at least it's good news! :)
Um, so I ran 1.81 miles today, almost without stopping. Yeah, that happened. I seriously can't believe it. I'm now on my way to getting in shape for a 5K...on Thanksgiving. Well, that escalated quickly. This is going to be good. I can feel it. I've scheduled rec times with my suitemate every other day from 3:30-4:15. There I will try to run on the track more than I use the elliptical. I think I realize now that doing the elliptical is not as strenuous as actually running. If I listen to music, I think I can do it. Tonight, when I went with friends, we listened to music together, and it was definitely a lot easier than usual. I don't know if I just had more energy or if it was because I was running with friends, but I actually kind of...enjoyed myself. I'm going to try to get back on track with this journey. I'm going to try to post more often and keep a journal of what I eat. I'm in a health class this semester. For our semester long project, we're supposed to create and implement a behavior modification plan in which we set a goal for ourselves and try to reach that goal by the end of the semester or earlier. I'm not going to lie, I haven't been truthful at all on the assignment. Maybe if I actually start doing what I say I'm doing, I'll start making progress.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Well, my life and my journey to getting fit has pretty much gone down the drain. I've been at school for about  a month and a half. I'm taking a running class so every Tuesday and Thursday I run in the morning. I'm supposed to keep a running log outside of class, but I haven't been. I haven't had the time. I got a job! It's exciting, but it has seriously taken up the rest of my free time. I did go to the rec a couple of days ago though. I spent more time waiting for a text from a guy that I really shouldn't be waiting on, but I chose to anyway. Right now, I just want to go home. There's only one more day until I can go home. While at home, I definitely going to the gym. There's nothing that can stop me from going. I don't have to work, and I have an entire four days to finish homework and study. I'm cutting myself off from the world until Sunday night. I will be ready to go on Monday morning. I'm not exercising everyday, but I'm exercising every Tuesday and Thursday, and I go to the rec every once in awhile. As far as my eating habits, I'm just going to say this: Sodexo Sucks. They don't care about being healthy or anything. For the majority of the time I've been here, I've had sandwhiches. Lately, I just don't care anymore so I've been getting pizza. I know, it's bad, but, I'm just done.....need motivation to come slap me in the face...or behind, whichever will get me moving faster.