Thursday, July 5, 2012

Today went pretty well. Maybe not as well as the past two days. After doing Insanity yesterday, I was really sore. Insanity really is insane. I still wanted to continue. I haven't felt any results (except for my muscles), and I want to feel a change. Yesterday, I created an account to help me keep track of my diet. It counts my calories for me, the amount of water that I drink, and the number of calories that I can still take. I think that if I keep track of what I eat and keep up my exercise routine EVERY DAY this goal shouldn't be too hard to reach. I just have to get past the soreness and push through. Today, I was really close to not working out today and saying that I'll work out double the time tomorrow. I have to remember not to do that because if I say that I'll work out double tomorrow, tomorrow will come around and then I'll say I'll work out harder the next day. I have to remind myself tp keep working out everyday. I have to stay active everyday or my goal of getting fit isn't going to work. I didn't do a video of Insanity today. Instead, my mom and I did Billy Blank's TaeBo Insane Abs. It was pretty hard. I wasn't able to do the entire video, but I still did as much as I could. We both helped each other do the correct exercise do get the most out of our workout. I found that just doing what the video does doesn't help if you're not doing it right. So we didn't follow the video constantly, but we got the most out of each move! Here's a rather funny quote! "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar. I don't know who that is, but I like where he's coming from. I have to motivate myself every single day. If I don't, it starts to fade away, and when I fall of the motivation boat, it's really hard to get back on. So that's why I have to keep going. I'm going to look great and feel amazing when I go back to school in August!!! See you tomorrow!

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