Wednesday, July 11, 2012

When I started this plan to workout, I didn't think that I would enjoy it. In fact, I thought I would have a hard time doing this whole thing. I never liked the idea of working out or going to the gym. At school, I went to the gym because friends went. After just a week of working out, I actually enjoy it. During the workout, I hate Shaun T and all the extremely fit people with their six pack abs. After the workout, I feel tired but accomplished.
I was so close to quitting. There were so many reasons to quit today. I didn't have my mom and my sister working out with to help me keep going, so if I quit, nobody would know. Dinner was also being made upstairs, so I smelled it and it smelled amazing! I hadn't eaten much today, and I was starving! I was also really tired. It would've been so easy to just stop, go watch TV, and take a nap. I did the same thing when I was up late doing schoolwork. When everybody was in bed, I told myself that I would just shut my eyes for an hour or two and I'd get back up and finish. Then, I'd say another hour and another hour until it was the next morning, and I had gotten no work done. 
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances." -Bruce Barton. I realize now that I can't keep putting things off until I feel like it. I'm never going to feel like working out. I'm not going to feel like finishing the workout. I have to push myself. When I don't want to finish, that's when I have to push myself harder. Sure, there are going to be times when it seems like quitting would be easy. My mom keeps telling me that the easy road is not always the best way to go. 
Actually, I'm having more fun with this road! Yesterday, I went to the pool with my family. I usually hate going to the pool. I feel like everyone there is judging me, and I don't like that feeling. Yesterday, was totally different. I wanted to go to the pool. I even went off the diving board. Not just jumping either; I dove! I loved the feeling that I got when I accomplished that! Slowly, I'm going to get better! I'm starting to push myself more because I've been working out for a week! An entire week! I'm not a very committed person. My New Year's resolutions last about 2 days. The fact that I've been working out for this long is pushing me to keep going! I can't wait for school to start again because I'm going to look and feel great!!! More later! ~Emily B


  1. I find that when I work out I have to look at it as being active to stay healthy rather then to lose weight. The mindset helps me stay committed to making the lifestyle change. Keep it up!!

  2. Screw the people judging you (although you will find that most really are not). I read a great quote that said "No matter how slow you are going, you are still lapping the people still on their couches". I try to remember that when I am running down the street with my belly flopping around!

    Brandt Prince
